
ロジャース・ジェイムス(ろじゃーす じぇいむす)

  • ロジャース・ジェイムス


  • 芸術学部 芸術学科 芸術教養領域 リベラルアーツコース




My name is James Martin Rogers. I am photographer, graphic artist, musician, novel writer, and university professor originally from New York City currently based in Nagoya.

I am a PhD holder, and tenured full-time English professor at Meijio University but also teach photography, graphic art, and visual arts skills there. In addition, I teach English Presentation through presenting about art part-time at Nagoya University of the Arts in the fall semester.

I love beauty. In people. In nature. In creations. Capturing this beauty fulfills me and this is my portfolio: www.jamesmartinrogersphotography.com


Rogers, J., Muller, A., Daulton, F., Dickinson, P., Reid, G., & Stoeckel, T. (2021). The creation and application of a large-scale corpus-based academic multi-word unit list. English for Specific Purposes, 62, 142-157.

Florescu, C., Hayasaka, Y., Inokawa, M., Oshimi, T., & Rogers, J. (2020). How does learner autonomy influence preparation for, and performance on the TOEFL ITP test? Journal of Medical English Education, 19(1), 5-13.

Rogers, J. (2020). On creating a large-scale corpus-based academic multi-word unit resource. Vocabulary Learning and Instruction, 9(2), 1-8.

Rogers, J. (2020). Conceptualizing collocations and multi-word units as the same through the concgramming approach. Meijo University Faculty of Foreign Studies Journal, 1-5.

​Murata, Y., Nishio, Y., Minehane, G., Wicking, P., Praver, M., Miyazaki, A., …Rogers, J. (2019). The English program of the Faculty of Foreign Studies: Commitment to results. 名城大学教育年報13号, 15-25.

Rogers, J. (2018). Which second language is the most bang for one's buck (or yuan) for creating current and future global human resources? Proceedings of the 6th National Conference of the Japan Association for Global Competence Education, 90-93.

Rogers, J., Minehane, G., Muller, A., & Wicking, P. (2018). On native speaker intuition versus corpus-sourced multi-word unit identification. 名城大学人文紀要第118集(54巻1号), 15-27.

Rogers, J., & Florescu, C. (2018). Common names: A missing yet essential aspect of language instruction. 名城大学人文紀要第116集(53巻2号), 65-78.

Rogers, J. (2018). An Objective Method of Identifying Teachworthy Multi-word Units for Second Language Learners. The Europhras Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology Second International Conference Proceedings, 148-153.

Rogers, J. (2018). Teaching collocations. In J. Liontas (Ed.), The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching (pp. 3113-3119). Boston: Wiley-Blackwell.

Rogers, J. (2017). The group memorization method: Efficient and motivating language study. Osaka JALT Journal, 4, 119-131.

Rogers, J., Bonnah, T., Daulton, F., DuQuette, J.P., & Montgomery, P. (2017). On unreliability and inefficiency in word lists. Osaka JALT Journal, 4, 83-94.

Rogers, J. (2017). On the implementation of a smartphone-based English app study program. The Proceedings for the First International Forum (pp. 71-76). Nagoya: Faculty of Foreign Studies, Meijo University.

​Rogers, J. (2017). Introducing the first large-scale English collocational chunk list and innovative methods in which collocational fluency can be mastered. The IAFOR International Conference on Language Learning Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 9-17). Nagoya: IAFOR.

Rogers, J. (2017). What are the collocational exemplars of high-frequency English vocabulary? On identifying multi-word units most representative of high-frequency lemmatized concgrams (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Southern Queensland, Queensland, Australia.

Rogers, J., & Florescu, C. (2016). On L1-L2 congruency as a criteria for the selection of multi-word units worthy of instruction, 名城大学人文紀要第113集 (52巻2号), 31-37.

​Rogers, J., & Murray, B. (2016). On the role of semantic transparency in identifying high- frequency collocations, The Kyoto JALT Review, 3, 1-8.

Rogers, J., & Reid, G. (2016). What is Japanese university students’ knowledge of multi-word units most representative of high-frequency lemmatized concgrams? The 2nd IRI Research Forum, 104-113.

Rogers, J. (2015). JQ&A with James Rogers on Smart Smart Language Apps. JQ Magazine.

Rogers, J., Brizzard, C., Daulton, F., Florescu, C., MacLean, I., Mimura, K., …Shimada, Y.(2015). On using corpus frequency, dispersion, and chronological data to help identify useful collocations. Vocabulary Learning and Instruction, 4(2), 21-37.

Rogers, J., Daulton, F., MacLean, I., & Reid, G. (2015). Is native speaker intuition reliable for high-frequency context creation? Kansai Gaidai Journal of Inquiry and Research, 102, 57-69.

Rogers, J., & Mimura, K. (2015). Corpus data or teacher intuition: Which is more valuable when choosing vocabulary to teach to young ESL learners? Kansai Gaidai Journal of Inquiry and Research, 101, 151-166.

Rogers, J., & Reid, G. (2015). How effective are smartphone flashcard applications for learning a second language? The IRI 1st Research Forum, 24-33.

​Rogers, J., Webb, S., & Nakata, T. (2015). Do the cognacy characteristics of loanwords make them more easily learned than non-cognates? Language Teaching Research, 19(1), 9-27.

Rogers, J. (2014). On the potential for television to improve listening comprehension. The Kyoto JALT Review, 2, 29-46.

Rogers, J. (2014). An investigation into the viability of flashcard applications to aid language learning. Higher Education Research, 4, 7-20.

Rogers, J., Brizzard, C., Daulton, F., Florescu, C., MacLean, I., Mimura, K., …Shimada, Y.(2014). A methodology for identification of the formulaic language most representative of high-frequency collocations. Vocabulary Learning and Instruction, 3(1), 51-65.

Rogers, J. (2013). Corpora: A discussion of corpus resources and their benefits and limitations in regards to informing pedagogy. Higher Education Research, 3, 100-104.

Rogers, J. (2013). How many high frequency words of English do Japanese university students ‘know’? Kansai Gaidai Journal of Inquiry and Research, 97, 237-252.

Rogers, J. (2013). On how to identify useful collocations and the multi-word units they occur in. The Kyoto JALT Review, 1, 64-93.

Rogers, J., & Daulton, F. (2013). Free-size or just-fit testing: Does the presence of a considerable amount of helpful cognates in Japanese affect our ability to accurately assess vocabulary size in Japanese students? The Ryukoku Journal of Humanities and Sciences, 35(1), 1-12.

​Rogers, J. (2012). On the creation of a learner corpus for the purpose of error analysis, Kansai Gaidai Journal of Inquiry and Research, 95, 191-206.

Rogers, J. (2012). On choosing an appropriate vocabulary load and teaching method for university students. Higher Education Research, 2, 198.

Rogers, J. (2010). How do loanwords in Japanese deviate from their original form and meaning? Temple University Japan Studies in Applied Linguistics, 59, 84-94.

Rogers, J. (2010). Applications, training, and strategies regarding loanwords for Japanese students of English. Temple University Japan Studies in Applied Linguistics, 59, 95-107.

Rogers, J. (2010). Is intuition enough when choosing vocabulary? Kansai Gaidai Journal of Inquiry and Research, 91, 195-210.

Rogers, J. (2009). The elusive perfect textbook: Cultural sensitivity as a factor in materials selection/modification/creation. Kansai Gaidai Journal of Inquiry and Research, 89, 55-66.

